
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

We're Back!!

     A few months ago, Deirdre and I were feeling a little overwhelmed with the combination of the holidays and keeping up with posts on two (or three in Deirdre's case, see here) blogs. We loved all the blogs but felt it was a good time to cut back for awhile. Thus we took a break from our yumm-eriffic foodie blog Aliment and put our energy full force into our baby, Ladies Holiday.

     With the end of the year holiday season and the new year bustle behind us, we feel ready to share some more delicious goodness with you here. We may not be back to our thrice a week schedule for awhile, but we hope to share with you weekly nonetheless. Today we start off simple with a foodie post that is also being shared on Ladies Holiday.

Tamar & Deirdre

Every once in awhile, we ladies find it fun to participate in 
What I Ate Wednesday (WIAW.) 
This nifty blog hop is hosted by the lovely Jenn over at Peas and Crayons.
As some of you may remember, I started the new year off with the gentle, yet oh-so-effective
Adventure Cleanse, as found in the pages of Wellness Warrior
Kris Carr's sparkle-tastic health-eriffic book Crazy Sexy Diet.
Since participating in the 21-day cleanse I have been able to maintain this 
cleaner lifestyle in regard to what I put in my belly on a daily basis and 
I have found that I feel 
lighter, more energetic, more focused, and generally 
than I have in a long, long time. 
Now that is really something to rave about! 
Here I share a glimpse into what my dishes are filled with 
on a regular ol' day, but you'll see that it is not in the least boring.

Ladies Holiday, copyright 2013
Brekkie: I usually start my morning with green juice followed by a protein and produce packed smoothie, this sticks with me until lunch. Picture here, a blend of freshly juiced carrots and oranges, half an avocado, almond milk, and my favorite protein powder mix.

Lunch: I combined leftover quinoa from last night's dinner with sautéed kale and tofu. I topped it off with some delicious vegan cheddar, and sliced up the other half of my avocado on the side with a bit of lime juice and s&p on top.

Dinner: Oooh my mouth is watering at the memory. Vegan enchiladas: white basmati rice (although I usually use brown) mixed with lime juice and cilantro. Vegetarian refried beans. Vegan Daiya brand Monteray Jack cheese. Fresh tomatoes. All wrapped up in Trader Joe's brand habenjaro lime tortilla and smothered in enchilad sauce. Yum yum yum!!!

What foods make you feel sparkly and truly alive?

Bon Appetit!

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