
Friday, August 31, 2012

Onigiri - Creative Cooking with Children

Copyright: Deirdre/Aliment 2012

I have a thing for cooking playing with my food. I don't really like to cook or bake, but I like to eat and if you connect A to B chances are at some point I will have to find myself in the kitchen if I am to sustain this mortal form of mine.

Each day I make my kids "home lunch" as opposed to school lunch, which appologies if this is personal- it's not meant to be, school lunch is, in the words of my children, "disgusting." I don't know if it has changed much in twenty years, but I ate breakfast and lunch at school if I was lucky and I seemed to have survived.

Anyway, I dutifully pack lunches each morning and, at risk of making my kids out to sound spoiled, they pretty much won't have anything to do with the old "P B & J" standby. I sneak it in about once a week nonetheless, but this mama has to get creative...

I've long admired the bento style lunches commonly found in Japan. For an overview check this out and this. What's not to love?

So I gave Onigiri, also known as rice balls, a whirl. The recipe I followed was from the blog Just Hungry . It was very instructional and guided me toward successfully creating my first Onigiri, if I do say so myself. And my kids were delighted by their lunch!

It really is easy peasy. See the link above for more detailed instructions. Measure 1 cup rice. I used short grain brown. Add two cups of water.

Boil Rice, then reduce heat to low and simmer about 30 minutes. Then allow to cool a bit, so it is just comfortable to handle, but not cold.

Prepare ingredients. I used a splash of rice wine vinegar. A piece of plastic wrap in a small bowl. I drizzled some water on the on the plastic so it doesn't stick. Followed by a pinch of salt. I scoop the rice into the bowl. Poke a shallow hole in the center and insert peas and edamame for the "treasures" in the center of the ball.

Gather the plastic wrap then twist to shape into a ball. Then once it's nice and snug you can remove the plastic and shape as desired. Decorate to your heart's desire or sprinkle with Japanese rice seasoning. Domo Arigato.

Bon Appetit,

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